Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How To Avoid Becoming A Target

For obvious reasons, most criminals and scam artists around the world are after your money. So, by default, the more obvious it is that you are not comfortable in an area and the more obvious your money is, the more likely you are to become a target. In order to avoid becoming the easy target, it is important that you are first of all, aware of your surroundings, and second of all smart about your valuables including money, jewelry and other important things on your person including your travel papers.

Below are a few of the most basic tips and some words of advice to help you do just this. Avoid issues when you travel by knowing what to expect and avoiding situations before they happen.

No Back Pockets - this is the first place a pickpocket will go for your wallet. Instead of making it an easy target, just avoid the back pocket all together.

No Fanny Packs - not smart looking and not a good idea. Again you may as well paint a sign that says "rob me" if you carry one of these.

No Expensive Jewelry - the more you bling the more you can expect to be robbed. Leave it at home for many reasons. In addition to making yourself an obvious target, if you are carrying it in your luggage and it gets lost, you may not recoup your losses as their is a cap on the amount you can be reimbursed for your bags.

Divide And Conquer - carrying all your papers and money in one spot is never a good idea. If you get robbed, you will then lose it all. Instead, divide your goods up in different areas including your sock, a body wallet or other hidden areas and leave items you do not need in a safe place not on your person.

If you are wise when you travel, you can avoid many of the most common issues and complaints about travel including losing your money and becoming a target. Be smart and pay attention to little ways you can help avoid these issues and make the most of your vacations.

Tradewinds Vacations welcomes you to learn more about travel and vacations with us. From when and where to why and how, we do the reserach for you to help you become more informed. Be smart, be prepared and make the most of your vacations with tips from Tradewinds Vacations.

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